Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

Although the sun was shining down today in Franklin Springs, GA; I couldn't help but think of that day that will always enstill in my mind: September 11, 2001. I remember so vividly, I was sitting in my 7th grade class when we were instructed to immediately walk to the canteen because a catastrophic event was unfolding. When I sat down on the cold, plastic chairs; my heart sunk deep into my chest when I saw a billow of smoke coming from a hugh skyscraper reaching into the heavens of lower Manhatten on the small 19' television on a stand for everyone t0 see. Many thought that it was a mere accident, that the pilot had made a grave error in the control of the flight, driving a plane right into the tower. However, that theory was soon ruled out when another plane struck into the tower's twin, damaging the other remaining tower. I then realized it was something tremendously evil, and that it probably was Judgment Day, the coming of Jesus Christ, or simply: the sky was truly falling. Ashes plummetted from the towers, as well as burning dots, which turned out to be actual human lives. Then I watched in fear as one tower fell right after the other. I cried for the souls lost and I felt tremendous pain for their loved ones they left behind. I didn't realize the extent of evil that terrorists plagued on our nation until revealed days, months, and years later. And today, I find myself looking at photos that are symbols of that fateful day. One that caught my eye was the many mourners who laid their loves ones to rest in the form of roses in the Memorial reflection pool. I pray for the families who lost many loved ones in the WTC, Pentagon, and United 93 tradgedies. I pray for the ones who planned these horrible things against our country, that God will change the evil to love in their hearts. So let's all take a moment of reflection to remember those who were lost on 9/11.
(Photo by Pool/Getty Images North America)


Laura said...

Kayla aka Mini Me...:)

You have a blog! Yea! I love it and I'll read it every day! lol!

Love you...

The cats miss you too..hahaha!

Laura said...

I added you to my blog list! I love your title!


Molly McKnight said...

Kayla..... I LOVE your blog! Yeah for blogging! And I love the pic of you and Cam. Very cute! Hope you're doing great! Love ya!

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